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I have always drawn, since I was a child.

It has seemed as natural a language to me as learning to speak, a part of my life that I cannot imagine being without.

It is who I am. It is how I think. It is just what I do.

Much of my work is to do with traces of memory.

There is often a memorial aspect…and a healing I think.

I work from old, usually discarded objects, familiar everyday items that trigger that sense of knowing but not really remembering. I have referred to this in the past as 'Layers of the familiar, more felt than remembered'. A sense. A scent…the back of your Mum's dressing table drawer stuff.

I love old objects.

I have collections of all sorts of things, always worn, marked, incomplete. I like to see the patena, the traces of past dinners in the crazing on a plate, the shadow of a tea stain on a tray cloth. The daily wear and tear.

My artworks prompt personal memories and the stories that go with them.

Once exhibited this then leads on to the memories and stories  the viewers then share with me.

I see the works as a collection and not as individual pieces although each piece can and does stand alone.

An important part of each project is the written supporting texts which explore areas of my past, revisiting, questioning and  helping me question my exploration and put it into context.

Projects find me I don’t look for them. I will find myself drawn toward an object or a phrase and over time the meanings come together. It is all in my sub conscious and over time I have learned to trust and go with it until it comes to the fore. There will be an itch to scratch.



I studied Foundation Art at Swindon College before taking my Degree in Graphic Design at Bath Academy of Art, specialising in Illustration.

I then went on to work as an Illustrator for a variety of well-known magazine and book publishers in London.

I currently teach Art at Whitehall Primary School in Bristol.

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